Thursday, May 11, 2017


There is so much marketing and research out there on supplements – what to take, how much, who needs what – that it can be confusing to sift through and narrow down. I’ve spent a lot of time in the past couple months doing research on the web, through interviews and even by using myself as a test subject to try to figure it all out. The information I’ve compiled below should help you get a better understanding what you should be taking that you aren’t, what you are taking that you might not need to be spending money on, and of the quality of the current supplements that you are taking, how you can improve your regimen, and correct dosing and timing for your athletic goals.
Top 7 Supplements for Athletes – Primary Supplements
1. Omega 3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil) are probably one of the most commonly used supplements on the market today and for good reason. When high quality fish oil is taken in large enough amounts, it provides the biggest bang for the buck as far as supplements are concerned. Most people know about the improved cardiovascular health and function, improved lipid profiles (lower triglycerides), improved brain function and mental acuity, and its powerful anti-inflammatory properties without harmful side effects like over the counter products. But what people don’t know is that every fish oil isn’t made the same. Depending on the size, type, or natural habitat of fish used and how it was processed can determine the quality and levels of toxins present. So besides looking for the cGMP seal, look for brands that use small, cold-water (near the polar ice cap so it is more pure) fish like anchovies or sardines vs. larger fish like tuna or those harvested in warmer waters. On the label, impurities are stated – look for those measured in parts per BILLION not parts per million. Athletes and those with body composition goals should start with 3,000 mg of fish oil spread out in 2-3 servings (it only lasts in the body about 8 hours) and work toward taking up to 6,000 mg per day.
2. B-Vitamins increase energy production and are neurotransmitter cofactors so they help improve our mood, and they help us detoxify which we need after exercise (and binging). The process of building and repairing muscle (processing protein) depletes B-Vitamins so if you’re lifting heavy or damaging your muscle tissue in your workouts or job, you need to take extra B-Vitamins to help the rebuilding (strengthening) process because you are burning through them at an alarming rate. Look for Riboflavin-5’-Phosphate (B-2), methylcobalamin (B-12), Pyridoxal-5’-Phosphate (B-6), and Benfotiamine (B-1) on the label as they are the absorbable forms your body can use. Avoid any of the B Vitamins in the hydrochloride (HCL) form form as it is cheap and unabsorbable by your body. Definitely take this supplement in the morning as the B-12 will keep you awake. Don’t be afraid to take thousands of the US RDA. Your pee may be yellow, or even orange, so don’t freak out but I noticed that once I switched to non-HCL forms of the B-Vitamins, my pee was actually less yellow which means I was absorbing more!
3. Magnesium is probably one of the top three recommended supplements for athletes as it is an essential element in biological systems and most athletes are likely deficient. I’ve seen recent studies stating that 85% of Americans are deficient and we all know that most Americans most certainly lead the typical sedentary, American lifestyle so imagine the deficiencies in the trained and even arguably over-trained population. Magnesium is important to athletes because it regulates heart rhythm, allows muscles to contract and relax properly, reduces blood pressure, and is necessary to produce ATP (the main source of energy in our cells) which must be bound to a magnesium ion in order to be biologically active. Check your bottle to avoid Sudden Poop Onset (SPO) here: Supplements based on amino acid chelates, such as Mg glycinate and Mg malate are much better tolerated by the digestive system and much more absorbable by the body the other (cheap) forms of magnesium such as Mg oxide or Mg carbonate. This is best taken post-workout on an empty stomach. Sedentary individuals need 600 mg a day and larger athletes in heavy training mode could do up to 2,000 mg a day.
4. Vitamin D is more like a hormone than a drug. It is produced by the body when exposed to sunlight and most of us don’t produce enough (25,000 iu/day) even if we frequently are out in the sun. It would take you prancing around, practically naked for a couple hours a day to produce those levels of Vitamin D and most Americans are deficient. Vitamin D level is measured by hydroxyvitamin D – the chemical form – in the blood and “normal” levels are stated to be 35 but that is considered by many to be a “maintenance” level and that levels upwards of 70-90 are ideal, especially for athletes (mine was at 35 when I was tested last Octber). Besides working with calcium to improve bone density, Vitamin D helps reduce inflammation, risk of colon and breast cancer, improves mood and upper respiratory health by aiding the fight against infections from viruses and other pathogens, and allows the brain to release melatonin so we can fall asleep easier – like when you’ve been out in the sun all day and are tired as soon as night falls. This is why Vitamin D is most effective when taken at night, about an hour before bedtime and liquid drops taken sublingually are the best form especially if you can hold the liquid under your tongue for 30 seconds before swallowing so it can really soak in and start to work before it has to be digested. According to Dr. Robert Seik at Triton Nutrition, Vitamin D supplementation up to 30,000 units to be safe and there are European studies that show 150,000 units for three days to treat upper respiratory tract infections that may be viral in nature.
5. Protein, if taken within 10 minutes of training, will reduce the amount of stress hormones (mainly cortisol) released! This has a huge implication on belly fat (no pun intended). But don’t overdo it – 20-30 grams per hour is the maximum a body can digest and you only need .8-1.4 grams of protein per 1 kg of lean mass each day. Too much protein leads to body acidity which leads to many other problems. But the right amount of protein – besides providing energy – repairs tissues and reduces muscle soreness. Protein should be eaten – from primarily animal sources – throughout the day and most certainly within 10 minutes of training. It can also help how to build muscle. Whey protein is a highly marketed protein and is fairly inexpensive so it is frequently used by athletes. Many, however, have an intolerance to whey such as gas, bloating and postnasal drip. Soy protein is not a good option because 100% of soy is genetically modified and it is very low in branch chain amino acids which are necessary to build muscle. It increases estrogen levels in the body – the opposite of what someone trying to build strength wants – and many also have a food intolerance to soy. Casein is dairy derived so if you have an intolerance to whey, you may have an intolerance to Casein as well. Vegan protein that combines a wide variety of sources can be good options because they are less likely to produce allergies. Remember, only 20-30 grams maximum at a time!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

CrossFit Pre-Workout: Want Leaner Muscle Mass? Do this.

Eating for Mass

If you love doing CrossFit Pre-Workout, you might also think that more working out is equal to more muscle. Wrong. If you want to gain muscle fast, then you should follow a lifestyle in which proper nutrition, timing, and recovery are some of its essential parts. Continuity is also important.
Favor Diet Over Exercise
Wise move to do is to keep a diet plan or a training program that you intend to follow. But you need to strike the right balance between the two. Following a proper and healthy diet plan without working is not a good idea too. Balance is everything.
Proper nutrition = Energy Up

To keep you energy levels up and your muscles nourished each workout, you need to follow a proper nutrition. This has always been a given fact. Snacking on sugary snacks and empty calories will put mass in the wrong areas.
Once you get to follow a diet plan, timing may be an issue. Strictly follow a schedule on which to consume at the time of the day or night. Example of this is eating protein first thing in the morning before doing your workout routine or supply the body with the needed nutrients from CrossFit supplements.
Eat Carbs.

Say yes to carbohydrates since it is critical for providing the energy you need in your routine. But consume carbs sparingly at night. You do not want to fill up a car before going in a long drive later that day.
There are many tips on how to gain muscle fast, and most of them emphasizes the importance of having a healthy and proper diet, a variation on workout routines that you do, and following a positive and active lifestyle. For more information on CrossFit pre-workout supplements and gaining muscle fast, visit our site at

Thursday, April 20, 2017

How To Gain Muscle Fast: How To Step It Up and Change The Game!

How to gain muscle fast? Having fast metabolism has its pros, but what most people don’t notice is that it has some hidden cons that are only visible to the one who possesses this ability. How many hours and efforts have you actually had to go through to obtain a muscular figure after being a walking skeleton for so long?
Without further ado, here are enumerations that will help enlighten you to be aware of the things you need to do
1. Work out in less than sixty minutes: Surely, you’ve heard of a myth that says, quote “spending hours at the gym in a day would do one a favor”, when in real life, it won’t, it would disrupt your recovery period between workouts. Increase your frequency, it triggers muscles to grow. On a side note, doing too much cardio in your training program won’t get you what you’re after if your goal is size and strength; get weight training on a three to four days’ basis. Beginners can get much more done in a course of a forty-five minute or less than sixty-minute duration when genuine breaks are taken between sets.
how to gain muscle fast
2. Invite more calories into your system: Consuming like a bird albeit you want that Schwarzenegger surface? Combat that fast metabolism; there are no other cheat codes than to increase your three-day meal in to a five to seven heavy calorie meal. It’s alright to continue the salads and it is essential to avoid junk foods (sugary, processed, with preservatives), but understand that it’s about what you add to contribute to all the energy being spent on physical activity and internal processes. Eat meals with HDLs; nuts and seeds, avocados, fish oil, and vegetable oil. If you are planning to incorporate best pre workout supplements during your training consider taking a research that will give you the energy to go the extra mile.
how to gain muscle fast
3. Take it easy on yourself: Results don’t come in a few weeks, don’t be impatient. As a beginner, it’s normal to want to add more to your plan each day; being random in a day’s exercises may make you strong but it is subordinate when compared to a planned and period ground training program. To top it off, your body’s chemistry and overall health is directly related to your workout goals. Negative stress can hinder your body’s full potential to grow, so learn to meditate, get undisturbed eight hours of sleep, and stay hydrated at all times. Better recovery equals to better progress.
how to gain muscle fast
4. Focus on your progress: In planning to maximize your muscle growth, it’s just as important to keep track of everything you do week after week as eating. How would you know what’s working and what went wrong with last week’s training when you don’t have a record of all the workouts? List down what exercises you’ve done, the number of sets or repetition performed, the weights you’ve used, and the breaks you took between each sets. Plus, a record book could come in handy when you want to revisit the time you got injured or when you over did your workout.
If you need help on learning how to gain muscle fast, there are a lot of help and tips you can find
online. Gather the data and be consistent with implementing it in your lifestyle.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

CrossFit Exercises: We all have different levels, but CrossFit is for everyone!

CrossFit is a fitness program with an amalgamation of various functional movements into a timed or scored workout; composed of pull-ups, squats, push-ups, weightlifting, gymnastics, running, rowing, among others. If you want to know how to gain muscle fast and would like to apply CrossFit workout on this goal then this article is for you. Their workouts are always varied, always changing, always producing results. Never forget to begin with some dynamic warm up mobility exercises, as it is the foundation of a good performance before getting to every main exercises even for the standards of CrossFit; your strength, mobility and speed might suffer.
Here are the lists recurrent (and essential) workouts you will come across. If you are among those who take or drink workout supplements, formula, or shake you have to remember : go big or go home:
Air Squats- This targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, improving flexibility and circulatory system. This type of exercise is cardio and strength. It could be done without equipment. To further modify this as a beginner, check out CrossFit’s WOD “Cindy”.
Burpees- Targeting the triceps, pectoralis major, and quadriceps. The type of exercise this is under are cardio, strength and plyometrics, making you work your full body. Want to kick it up a notch? Search CrossFit’s “Wall Ball, Burpees”.
Pushups- This targets the pectoralis major but pushups are known to strengthen the wrists, forearms, elbows, upper arms and shoulders. They will also help reduce bone loss and promote stronger, denser bones. Not to mention it increases metabolic rates. To further scale your workout, use either the “Barbell in Rack Pushups”, “Knee Pushups” or “Box Pushups”.
Pullups- This can be tough to start especially when your upper body does not have enough strength, like pullups. The beginner friendly WOD to modify this workout is the “Helen”; 12 pullups, a four-hundred-meter run, and 21 American KB Swings.
Deadlifts- An exercise that must be executed with barbells and weights, mainly targeted at the lower back, hamstrings, and glutes. This exercise helps with strengthening the lower back and core, it helps in both physical and mental health.
Wall balls- What’s a CrossFit exercise without wall balls, right? Loathed by a lot but it provides the most advantages in one’s daily movements that’s not just confined within the walls of the gym! It works the upper and lower body simultaneously. It targets a total of eleven muscles. The only equipment needed is a medicine/slam/wall ball.
Toes to bar- A great way to help strengthen the core, the only equipment needed for this is as it says, a bar. This tests the strength of your grip, arm and abdomen. Though, it is advised that one must develop a strong midline to fully make this exercise work.
Kettlebell swings- There are many ways to try this out, but for starters stick with the plain Kettlebell swings. They key is to choose the weight that’s challenging and at the same time that’ll keep you in good form at the end of the workout. Change your WOD as a CrossFit coach recommends that 'bell beginners swing the kettlebell to eye level while more advanced swingers bring the 'bell all the way overhead.

Friday, March 24, 2017

10 Spring Indoor Workout Tips You Should Try

Not sure if you can spend the next couple of weeks running on the treadmill and lifting weights while staring at the same square of wall? We can't blame you if your workout motivation is waning, but before you go stir-crazy - or give up on fitness altogether - take the opportunity to tackle one of these awesome indoor workouts.
You'll hardly miss the wind whipping through your hair when you see what these moves can do for your body.
1. Burn more calories in less time
Try a 2-in-1 workout that blasts fat and tones arms.

2. Target your whole body with dumbbells
Streamline gym time with a super efficient back-to-basics workout. You'll hit every muscle in just 20 minutes using nothing but a pair of dumbbells.
3. Get into the flow
Think some downward dogs can't help you shed pounds and build muscles? Think again. Flow your way to a better build Best Pre Workout Supplements.
Perform essential yoga moves every morning for a calmer - and fitter - start to your day.

4. Get a slimmer waist for spring
Combine ab exercises with smart eating habits to build a six-pack that's worth showing off before beach season.
5. Get fitter for the bedroom
The last few pounds are always the hardest to drop, but you'll find motivation if you think about getting fitter for the bedroom.
6. Target your fast-twitch fibers
While slow-twitch muscle fibers offer endurance, fast-twitch muscle fibers provide impressive strength and power.
Tackle an explosive workout and you'll see big gains in strength, size and speed.
7. No gym, no problem
All you need are hand towels for some at-home workouts.
8. Fight fat faster
Master a multitasking workout to get leaner while also building size and strength.
9. Leave no muscle behind
When you're crunched for time it's easy to skip the smaller muscles that you don't notice in the mirror. Target neglected areas, like calves, lats, hamstrings and rear delts, while frying fat and toning your whole body.
10. Don't forget your backside
Get ready to cringe: Bikini season will be here before we know it. Get a head start by toning your backside in March

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Everything You Need to Know About CrossFit

Ever thought of a way to stay in perfect shape and have an enviable figure? The answer to your prayers could be CrossFit. In 2000, CrossFit began as an idea proposed by Greg Glassman and Lauren Jenai in the US. And ever since, people across the globe have been positive about spending their time at the gym doing CrossFit training.

The need for crossfit supplements may not be an important factor to you especially when having just started in this routine, but if you love to know more about pre workout supplements and the like visit a credible site here.
What is it?
High-intensity interval training such as the Olympic weightlifting, plyometrics, gymnastics, kettle ball sport of the Girevoy from Russia, calisthenics are some of the elements included in a CrossFit training. Different workouts every day is referred to as the WOD or the workout of the day. There are different routines in CrossFit trainings, while some gym copy these originally others are creating their own style.

Pre-workout supplements and other supplemental drinks are great if you consider getting more from your CrossFit experience as it guarantees to give you more muscle power and strength.
What does it comprise?
Commonly, sessions of CrossFit routines includes the following: a 10 to 15-minute warm-up session, the WOD, and cool-down exercises. Each WOD routine will be scored to track the development and progress. Equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, gymnastics rings, pull-up bars, jump ropes, kettlebells, medicine balls, resistance bands, rowing machines and various mats are used for the training session.
Who can do it?
If you are someone who wants to go beyond the traditional workout in the gym, then CrossFit is a good match for you. This entails heavy exercise routines though so be prepared.
What are the fitness benefits?
Among of the many benefits of CrossFit are the following: it promotes muscle growth because of the variety of the exercises, builds stamina and strength, and increases your agility and coordination, power, and flexibility.
To know more about crossfit and crossfit supplements, visit our website here.

Friday, March 3, 2017

How To Build Impressive Calves

If you happen to read Arnold’s Arnold: Education of a Bodybuilder you may have already known the important role calves play in completing the lower body ‘look’. Having said that, it was pointed out in the book that if you have underdeveloped calves, chances are you look like you have small legs even with a monstrous thighs.

So to create the illusion that the whole leg is bigger, you need to work on improving your calves. This does not only give a more balanced body look it will also improve your athleticism as well. Powerful calves and feet will allow you to jump high, sprint, or move explosively.
This article will cite on how to build muscle fast on your lower legs back portion (calf muscles) and train to the next level:

How To Build Calf Muscles
One of the basic things you need to remember when improving your calf muscle is that slow twitch fibres like calf muscles respond best to a high training volume and frequency. That means you need to do a lot of reps consistently to make your calf muscles fast.

To provide ample stimulation for the calf muscles, lifting a substantial load like your entire bodyweight regularly and frequently can do the work. In fact, you don’t necessarily need weights or machines to do this.
In addition to that, this kind of training can be performed daily and it is it’s frequency that encourages your body to adapt quickly.
The Training Plan
Other training plans may require you to go through progressions fast, but for calf muscle building you might want to take it slow. The important thing is to focus on how to build muscle through repetition and frequency. This will give you twice the development you are looking for:
Double leg calf raises off the floor (with a slight bend in the knee)
Double leg calf raises off the floor (straight legs)
Single leg calf raises off the floor (with a slight bend in the knee)
Single leg calf raises off the floor (straight leg)
Double leg calf raises off a step (with a slight bend in the knee)
Double leg calf raises off a step (straight legs)
Single leg calf raises off a step (with a slight bend in the knee)
Single leg calf raises off a step (straight leg)
Start with 4 sets of 20 reps, and don’t move on until you can perform 4 sets of at least 50 reps.